On Monday, we examined five of the Buck trio’s predictions, including how HR will evolve its “internal marketing” role with brand development and a new outlook on talent management. Talent will be “outsourced more,” the consultants say, “and those talent agents become like agencies and production houses where they manage the projects and the talent and are paid for their service in combination by the company and in a much more transparent way, the talent themselves.” Read on for what this and other prognostications (we look at five more) will mean for HR.

1. HR gets more involved with ideation, business improvement and R&D

With its “internal marketing” role evolving, Buck experts say businesses will start to see HR as consultants with concepts and thoughts “from the mouth of the employee.” They won’t just listen to the problem and they won’t just solve the problem – they’ll think of new ways of solving the problem.

2. HR will manage a workforce the way a CFO manages finances

The CPO role will come back from the dead as strategic and operational workforce planning and analytics become the primary responsibility of the HR function. HR will be the People people.

3. Work will be increasingly crowd-sourced

Tasks and projects will involve global collaboration. Contributors may be inside or outside the organization, requiring HR to rethink compensation and reward models.

4. Benefits departments will get outsourced

As employees take on increasing responsibility, the administration of benefits will ship out. Service firms will offer “benefit-in-a-box” models that provide cost-effective, bundled health & welfare, wellness and retirement plans to organizations.

5. HR service delivery will get commoditized

There’ll be an app for just about any administrative function needed in benefits and HR. HR departments will be able to pick and choose from cloud-based applications to create a consolidated user experience for all HR audiences – employees, candidates, managers, retirees, etc.