
Tip of the Day: Buy a Frosty, help a child

A sweet summer treat and helping a wonderful cause? Sounds like a great way to spend a weekend to me! This Father’s Day weekend (June 20-21), Wendy’s will donate 50 cents from the sale of every Frosty product to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, a national nonprofit public dedicated to increasing adoptions in North America. Also customers can stop by Wendy’s and donate by purchasing a Frosty pin-up for $1 each.

“This is our third year for Father's Day Frosty Weekend and we've set our fundraising goal at $1.7 million,” says Wendy’s President David Karam. “We hope families will find this an enjoyable way to celebrate Father’s Day while making a difference in the lives of foster children.”

The money raised during the weekend will support the foundation’s signature program, Wendy’s Wonderful Kids, which provided funding to full-time adoption professionals in all 50 states who are helping to match parents with waiting foster care children.

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