Realize financial benefits sooner by driving high engagement for MSK:
The latest resources, news and trends

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Dr. Fernando Correia MD PhD and SWORD Health share insights that will help you deliver exceptional benefits to your people while improving your bottom line.

Partner Insights fromSword Health
Organizing your digital benefits ecosystem to improve and maximize engagement
Industry experts share insights that will help benefits leaders understand how making MSK care a central pillar of your benefits ecosystem can help members improve in a variety of health areas, and how to improve engagement.
How to Improve Engagement: And why it's the secret to a successful benefits program
With any benefits program, leaders always must balance the limitation of their budget with the potential good that a particular program might provide. There are always trade-offs.

Jessy Rosales, SAP's VP of North America total rewards, explains how the company is expanding its definitions of care, inclusion and access.

October 24
More Resources
Here is a checklist of the 9 things to consider if you are serious about evaluating a digital physical therapy provider.
This guide will take you through the process of choosing a digital MSK solution that's right for your population.
This report will provide numbers and percentages to help you calculate MSK savings from surgeries, medication, and more.