Maintaining data security and complying with HIPAA are major responsibilities for a all those involved in health care. FireHost details a proactive approach to securing protected health information. The data security vendor shares six mistakes once could make that can sabotage IT security.

Don't sacrifice security in favor of compliance

Complying with HIPAA rules may seem like a bigger priority, and many believe HIPAA compliance will take care of many security issues. However, neglecting security can lead to a complete take-down of your system, and procrastinating on compliance can lead to costly fines.

Don't ignore potential vulnerabilities that leave you open to opportunistic criminals

No matter how small the exposure, any vulnerability offers the potential for a breach, with huge consequences. Weaknesses in infrastructure have led to breaches in large corporations, ruining their reputations and costing them millions of dollars.

Don’t wait for a breach to happen before taking action

A reactive approach to security will be costly in terms of finances, productivity and reputation. No organization can consider itself immune from breaches -- taking a proactive approach, by implementing thorough security and compliance policies, is the only way to reduce risks.

Don’t consider security and compliance to be the same thing

Compliance and security involve separate specialized capabilities in protecting data. Although experts recommend tackling security first, both compliance and security must receive equal effort. (Photo: Fotolia)

Don’t assume a secure infrastructure will last forever

Don’t allow your IT infrastructure to become vulnerable because of a lack of updates or upgrades. Systems must be continually updated to ensure data is protected and threats are minimized. (Photo: Fotolia)

Don’t take on these initiatives without guidance

Keeping a healthcare institution’s system running is a huge task, even without factoring in HIPAA compliance and overall data security. An experienced compliance expert help an organization avoid penalties and prevent security breaches. (Photo: Fotolia)