
Home is where the productivity is, survey finds

Okay, so yesterday, I told you about a way you could get an extra week of work out of employees without raising salaries. Today, I’ll let you in on how to make your employees happier, more loyal and more productive.

I’m just spilling all kinds of secrets this week, aren’t I?

Actually, it’s not me, but Staples Advantage again. This time, the firm polled telecommuters and found that 86% of telecommuters say they are more productive in their home office. In addition, people who work from home are:

* Happier and healthier. Telecommuters say their stress levels have dropped 25% on average since working from home, and 73% even say they eat healthier when working from home. How’s that for improving employee wellness?
* More loyal — 76% say they are more loyal to their company since telecommuting.
* Better balanced. More than 80% say they now maintain a better work-life balance.
And in case you think teleworkers are full of baloney, they want you to know they are capital-S serious about how important telework is to them. Survey respondents would give up their favorite TV show (54%), forgo an extra hour of sleep (48%), swear off a favorite food (40%) or take a pay cut (40%) rather than stop telecommuting.

I love teleworking — truly, I do. And I’ve actually turned down job opportunities that wouldn’t allow me to work from home as I do now. But asking me to give up sleep, “Glee” and cheeseburgers might be going a bridge too far. So, clearly, these teleworkers mean business.

And if you mean business about improving the bottom line at your company — and in these economic times, who doesn’t? — I’d think you’d be ready to give telework a try. If happier, healthier and more loyal employees doesn’t sway you or your boss, here are a few more reasons.

What do you think? Does your company allow telework? Have you witnessed the benefits of it? Or, has it been an unmitigated disaster? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments.

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