
1. Self-awareness

This is the ability to know one’s emotions, Lynda Chervil says, and also “recognize their impact on others.” Conduct an honest self-assessment to determine your strengths and weaknesses and ask yourself about the root causes of each. “You then need to create a plan that will help you overcome your fears, which are barriers to courage and stand between you and your success,” she says.
[Image: Fotolia]

2. Self-regulation

This is defined by Chervil as the controlling or redirecting of one’s disruptive emotions and impulses. In other words, you need to learn to discipline your actions and emotions and understand the importance of adapting to changing circumstances (i.e. you cannot continue the same plan when situational facts have changed).
[Image: Fotolia]

3. Social skills

Managing relationships to help people move in a direction that, as a leader, you’d like to see them headed is important. Chervil says some tips for working on your interpersonal skills are: Paying close attention to feedback from friends and co-workers, good and bad, and try not to repeat the behaviors that receive negative reactions; view constructive criticism from a positive standpoint, so don’t get defensive, use it to improve; handle conflict with compassion.
[Image: Fotolia]

4. Empathy

Consider other people’s feelings, especially when making decisions, according to Chervil. She notes that she believes empathy can be learned by thinking about putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and trying to view situations from other perspectives. Ask yourself what emotions they might be experiencing based on the situation and work around that in your communication with them.
[Image: Fotolia]

5. Motivation

Leaders are successful when they know what motivates them, Chervil says. Determine your benchmarks for success and change them once you’ve achieved the initial goals. Knowing how to motivate yourself can help you develop greater personal power.
[Image: Fotolia]