

Reaching goals is easier with a buddy, whether it be a running buddy, study buddy or weight-loss buddy. As a benefit adviser one of your goals is sales, so why not have a sales a buddy? Business coach and author C.J. Hayden suggests that using the “buddy system” can boost your sales and marketing efforts. Here’s why and how to consider working with a sales and/or marketing buddy. [Images: Thinkstock].

1. A buddy can keep you motivated, focused and supported.

Meeting with another person provides focus and accountability, Hayden says. “When you commit to your buddy that you will take certain steps and report back, you are more likely to stay focused on those tasks until they are accomplished.” A buddy can also offer new perspective on your progress or challenges, she adds.

2. Meet regularly to check in about goals and plans.

Each of you should make a brief report about the status of your goals and the steps you have taken since your last meeting, Hayden suggests. Acknowledge each other’s progress and celebrate each other’s success. End each session, she says, by naming what steps you will take toward achieving your goals before your next meeting. Write these steps down — both yours and your buddy’s — so you can check in about them next time.

3. Solve problems with brainstorming and resource-sharing.

When you hit a roadblock, your buddy’s job is not to hand you the right answer. His or her more important role is to help you expand your thinking. Together with your buddy, make a list of possible solutions. Your buddy might also offer resources to help, such as a useful contact, website, class or book, Hayden says.

4. Keep the relationship reciprocal.

Make sure each of you gets an equal amount of time at your meetings. If you spend the whole session on one person’s problem, devote the next session to the other buddy. Keep your buddy in mind as you make new discoveries and meet new people, and share any opportunities you uncover.