
1. Use technology for time management

Things are busier than ever, but technology is also better than ever. You can use that to your advantage and keep on track with apps. “I use Evernote which is a free app to keep track of my to-do list … [it’s] a great organizational tool for me,” says John Garven, president of Benico Ltd. and BenAssured in Huntley, Ill.

2. Remember your purpose

Do something to get yourself grounded before the day starts. “I begin my day at 4:30 a.m. with morning prayer in the Office of Readings. This reminds me to stay focused on our primary purpose as both individuals and professionals that we are to be of service,” says Sam Smith, president of Genesis Financial and Insurance Services in the Los Angeles area.

3. Get something healthy into your system

Tanya Boyd, of Tanya Boyd and Associates in Sunnyvale, Texas, says she starts her day by drinking a nutrient-rich smoothie loaded with greens, chia seeds and a dab of coconut oil.

4. Make a list

Get focused by writing down everything you must do that day. “I like that satisfaction that comes with crossing items off,” says Liz Gallops of Allegacy Insurance Solutions in Winston-Salem, N.C.

5. Get your news fix

While drinking that healthy smoothie and thinking about her upcoming Starbucks, Boyd says she multi-tasks and makes sure she’s up-to-date on the news of the day. “I peruse through the latest insurance and benefit news online,” she says.

6. Get to bed early and wake up and exercise

This is Wayne Sakamoto’s recipe for a good morning. The owner of Health Insurance Interactive says this will prepare you to “take on the day!”