
Health and safety concerns have a big impact on business


When it comes to supporting and upholding health and welfare policies at the workplace, all employees, managers, including the general public are supported by legal regulations. However, despite all efforts, injuries still happen and health and safety concerns can have an affect on your business.

The importance of occupational health and safety cannot be overlooked since it is not only a rule, but it is also part of being a good employer that ensures your employees are not in any type of danger because of the job they do for you.

Small organizations, in particular, have a higher risk of fatalities in comparison to big corporations. For instance, the number of fatalities among small to medium-sized businesses is roughly double that in large ones.

David Rowland, head of marketing at Engage EHS, notes that “employers have a moral obligation to keep employees safe and healthy in the workplace. The business itself can benefit from this since injuries and ill health can cause trouble, additional costs, and harm your image. Regardless of how clear and evident the risks are, all businesses must respond to health and safety regulations.”

The following are examples of typical health and safety incidents:

  • Slips and falls: these kinds of accidents can happen in any kind of workplace, but they're especially common in the catering industry. However, you're bound to come across slick surfaces at some point so it is likely for this incident to occur.
  • Strained muscles: they are more likely to happen to people who lift large and heavy objects on a daily basis. Back, shoulder, and neck strains are all too common when on the job and can be caused by poor posture, insufficient seats, and improperly installed computer screens.
  • Falling objects: objects that fall from high distances can cause serious injuries, especially if the person at the receiving end does not see it coming. Obtaining decent storage for items and reminding the staff to properly storage products will help minimize this risk.
  • Loud noises: industrial employees are subject to excessive noises on the job. Hearing damage can be caused by power drills, impact tools, and hammering.

Despite many injuries that still continue to be a source of worry for many companies, thanks to measurements and improvements in health and safety policies, major developments have been made in each market.

Since the early 2000s, the number of non-fatal accidents reported has been reduced by half. Companies who care for their employees' welfare often benefit from:

  • Employee productivity.
  • A better standing with the competitors.
  • Professional employees are more likely to stay on the job.
  • Reduction of legal risks as a result of fewer lawsuits or actions made by employees.

By implementing health and safety procedures at work, you can build a healthy atmosphere while saving the company time and resources in the process. Additionally, ensure that all employees receive daily training and that you're up to speed with the current legal updates.

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Employee communications Workplace safety and security