
10 things you need to know when offering on-site vaccinations


As the COVID-19 vaccines become more accessible, employers looking to return to a physical work environment may view onsite vaccine events as an attractive option for quickly vaccinating a large percentage of their workforces. Such events, however, can be logistical nightmares if not properly planned.

We’ve learned a few things about what it takes to create a smooth-running vaccine event. Here are a few tips to keep in mind before you schedule your first onsite vaccinations:

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  1. Start planning early. Survey employees in advance regarding their interest to know how many doses you will need and consider all problems that could arise during the event.
  2. Provide clear communication regarding eligibility, prioritization of various populations within your workforce and processes for signing up to avoid employee confusion and frustration.
  3. Implement a strong education program designed to overcome vaccine hesitancy and help dispel misperceptions about the vaccines to help ensure a good turnout. Designate a point person within your organization to address employee questions and concerns.
  4. Identify an appropriate space for the vaccine event that allows for good traffic flow, social distancing and a dedicated area where employees can be observed for side effects after receiving the vaccination.
  5. Recruit individuals within your organization to help with planning and execution of the event, ensuring there are sufficient people on hand to assist medical personnel.
  6. Schedule a prep meeting shortly before the event with all individuals involved to address any last-minute questions or concerns.
  7. Verify Internet integrity in the space dedicated for the event to ensure continual access to sign-up lists and medical records.
  8. Develop a formal no-show policy and process for quickly contacting employees who may be on the waiting list.
  9. Minimize no-shows by sending out multiple reminders in the days leading up to the vaccine event.

10 Conduct a post-event assessment shortly after the first event to evaluate what went well and what needs improvement so your follow-up vaccine event can be problem-free.
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As critical as the new vaccines are to helping us get back to normal, it’s important to remember that they are only one step in the ongoing battle to overcome the current pandemic. It is vital that employers identify the right healthcare provider who can partner with them to develop and implement comprehensive COVID programs that may include:

  • Back-to-work protocols and screenings designed to minimize exposure, quickly identify risks and instill employee confidence
  • Availability of rapid COVID tests and detailed procedures for contact tracing and quarantining
  • Analysis of employee population to identify those individuals at greatest risk for COVID complications, followed by proactive outreach to those at-risk employees
  • Mental health support services to address the higher incidence of anxiety and depression as a result of the pandemic
  • Virtual healthcare capabilities for those employees not comfortable physically going to the doctor
  • Wellness programs that encourage healthy behaviors that will help give employees a fighting chance against COVID, should they become infected

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Experts have warned that, despite the promise of the new vaccines, COVID will be with us for some time. So it’s important to collaborate with a knowledgeable, proactive healthcare partner or provider that can help you anticipate and navigate the challenges that lie ahead in keeping your workplace safe, healthy and confident.

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Employee communications COVID-19